Upcoming events within the SIA project 2019

University of Helsinki is organising a conference Towards resilient Nordic welfare states, 14-15 March, 2019. The conference includes SIA presentations on ageing in place policy in Swedish eldercare by Petra Ulmanen and a presentation on our three-city study by Sara Erlandsson, Helene Brodin, Lea Graff and Olli Karsio. For more information: https://www.helsinki.fi/en/conferences/towards-resilient-nordic-welfare-states

The Department of Social Work at Stockholm University will arrange a free of charge workshop titled Marketization and inequalities in health and social care for older adults ageing in place in May 14-15, 2019. Two of the keynote speakers are Marta Szebehely and Bo Burström, both part of the SIA project. PhD students are invited to present papers and those accepted will be offered free accommodation and financial travel support. For more information please contact helene.brodin@socarb.su.se.

IAGG-ER (International Association of Gerontolotgy and Geriatrics European Region Congress) will be held in Gothenburg, Sweden in May 23-25, 2019. SIA will be represented by researchers participating in several symposiums. One SIA symposium is titled: Income levels, trends and changes and its impact on health in later life – a Nordic perspectiv. Chaired by Marijke Veenstra and co-chaired by Johan Fritzell. Presenters: Stefan Fors, Else Foverskov, Gitte Lindved Petersen, Marijke Veenstra and Johan Fritzell. Another SIA related symposium is chaired by Linda Enroth titled Gender and Social Inequalities in Disability-Free Life Expectancy in Later Life including presentations by SIA members Linda Enroth and Stefan Fors.
For more information: https://iagger2019.se/

Tranforming Care 2019 Conference will be held in Copenhagen 24-26 June. Many SIA related presentations are included in the program. One example is a symposium titled Implementing reablement in home care, convened by Tine Rostgaard and others. Tine is also the organizer for the whole conference. Marta Szebehely is convener, together with Ricardo Rodrigues, for a thematic panel on Transforming care work with presentation by several SIA members. Helene Brodin and Sara Erlandsson are conveners for a thematic panel on Managing care priorities in practice.

ESPANET (European Network for Social Policy Analysis) will organize their next conference in Stockholm in September 5-7, 2019. The overall theme of the conference is Social Citizenship, Migration and Conflict. One stream in the conference is titled Social inequalities in ageing, chaired by Carin Lennartsson and co-chaired by Johan Fritzell. Deadline for abstract submission is March 31, 2019. For more information: https://espanet2019.se/cfp/